Procedures & Forms

Faculty/Staff Computers

New Faculty and Staff

  • For new full-time faculty and staff, as soon as the hiring process has been completed, the hiring manager will receive a link from Human Resources that they will use to submit the Computer Request.
  • Temporary/ Part time staff are assigned computers as needed determined by your supervisor. New computers will not be purchased; however, the employee will receive a computer from inventory.
  • Adjunct Faculty– will not receive assigned computers; however, each department has assigned desktop computers available for use.

Computer Request Process for New Faculty and Staff

Employees will be asked what additional software they may need on their new or replacement computer. Some of these programs require a license fee.  If the requested software is new, need to be renewed, or you would like to subscribe to cloud-based software or services, a Software Request Form will need to be submitted.

Current employees will also be asked to provide details about data backup and transfer to the new equipment.

After the request has been placed and processed and the computer purchased and logged into inventory, a Solution Center Technician will install the basic software package (Microsoft Office, MakeMeAdmin, Alertus, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Sophos) and any requested additional software.

When the computer is ready, a technician will set up an appointment to install the computer in your workspace. If you are a current employee receiving a computer replacement, the Technician will work with you to transfer bookmarks as well as check to see that your programs were installed and that your data transferred successfully.

Current Faculty and Staff (Refresh)

The asset inventory system informs the Asset Manager when current, full-time faculty and staff members are eligible to receive new computers. When a computer is being replaced as part of the 4-year replacement cycle, users may request a device from the list of Standard Configurations and Options provided by IS&T. Options beyond the standard configurations will be charged to the requesting department. When you’re eligible, you’ll receive an email with a link to the Refresh Option form with instructions for making your computer request.

If standard equipment does not meet a specific User’s requirement such as speed, RAM, storage, or peripherals; the department may request an exception to the standard. Additional funding to meet the required need will be provided by the requesting department. Requested upgrades to the standard configuration require approval by the Employee’s budget manager. IS&T will facilitate ordering and procurement of all computers.

Annual Refresh Process for Eligible Faculty and Staff

  • The Asset Manager will determine which Users are eligible for the current year’s refresh. An email will be sent to those Users with a link to the refresh options form along with instructions to select your refresh computer.  If no response is collected by the deadline, a one-for-one replacement will be purchased and installed.
  • The Solution Center will host a demonstration site for eligible Users to demo the replacement computers before the refresh options deadline.
  • The Asset Manager will determine the number of each machine type to order. The computers will be ordered, delivered and tagged.
  • Once the machines are received by IS&T from the vendor, the Asset Manager will email the Users to schedule an installation appointment.
  • The Solution Center will Image all new machines with the basic software package (Microsoft Office, MakeMeAdmin, Alertus, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Sophos).
  • Prior to the installation appointment, Users will be asked to back up all documents, files and folders to One Drive or Box.
  • At the time of installation, a Solution Center Technician will visit the User’s location and perform back up tasks for the browser bookmarks, outlook settings and other application settings. The User must be present at the installation appointment.
  • A Solution Center Technician will ensure software specific to the User (obtained through the Software request process) is installed and data has transferred properly.
  • Once the installation is complete, the Technician will tidy up the area and dispose of any resulting trash from the installation process.
  • Old computers will be temporarily stored at the Solution Center before being wiped and repurposed or disposed of.
  • Should the User need any assistance after the installation, they may contact the Solution Center at or Ext. 6512.