Harbert Writing Center Peer Consultant Application Process
We hire strong writers to work collaboratively in one-on-one sessions with students in all content areas. If you have earned a grade of A in English 101, 102, and 231/2, you may apply to work as a Harbert Writing Center consultant. Consultants typically work between five and ten hours per week and commit to working for the Harbert Writing Center for a minimum of an academic year.
In addition to regular job duties, consultants must attend monthly staff meetings and participate in training sessions at the beginning of each semester. To prepare for working in the Harbert Writing Center, all applicants are strongly encouraged to take ENG 456: The Writing Process; this class is offered each spring term.
If you wish to apply for a position as a peer consultant in the Harbert Writing Center, send the following to the Harbert Writing Center Director (writingcenter@kllkj.net) with “Application for HWC” in the subject line:
- a short piece of academic writing (two-three pages, or an excerpt from a longer piece)
- an unofficial transcript
- a letter of application in which you
o explain your approach to helping others improve their writing
o state why you want this position
o describe any relevant experience
o outline the types of writing and disciplinary style guides you are familiar with
Applications will be collected each spring term until the registration period opens, then applications will be vetted and potential consultants will be contacted for an interview. Final hiring decisions are made with a goal of assembling a diverse group of consultants who collectively possess a wide range of writing skills. Job offers for the next academic year will be made during spring finals week.