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Police Services

Protective Escort Service

The protective escort service provides for a UM Police officer to escort members of the campus community who find it necessary to travel alone on campus late at night. Call (205) 665-6155.

AlertWare Mobile App – A Panic Button on Your Phone

The AlertAware Mobile App offers a panic button feature that allows users to request help by sending geo-targeted incident reports directly to the UMPD. The reports will be received and handled by the University Police. To get the AlertAware App, download it from your mobile app store. If you’re a current employee or student, you already have an account, use password reset to finish set up. Account access is updated monthly, If you’re a new employee or student, you will receive an email invite at that time. If you’re having problems, please let us know at


UMAlert Emergency Contact System

The University of Montevallo utilizes a state-of-the-art rapid alert system called UMAlert. This system provides members of the campus community with the most advanced rapid communication program currently available for schools. UMAlert enhances the timeliness of UM’s emergency communications and provides the University with a convenient and effective tool for informing students, faculty and staff of human or natural threats. Through UMAlert, members of the University community, whether on campus or not, can be notified within moments of an urgent event. Emergency messages can be sent via telephone (landline and cell), voicemail, text messaging and email. New user accounts are automatically registered twice a month (on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays). Students may add parent emails/phone numbers as needed to their UMAlert contact list by updating their information using the link below.

Severe Weather

During severe weather, members of the University of Montevallo community should be alert for warnings issued by radio, television, and UMAlert. University Police monitor the National Weather Service radio for severe weather bulletins. Upon receiving a tornado warning including the University, University Police will take appropriate steps to warn the campus community.When a tornado warning is received on campus, persons should go immediately to the lowest level of the building they are in and take shelter in interior rooms or hallways away from windows and doors. Persons outside a building when a tornado warning is issued should go to the nearest open building and seek shelter. Following are the warning signals:

  • Tornado Warning: One long continuous blast on the siren. Each activation of the siren indicates a new tornado threat.
  • Alert Warnings: Alert warnings are received by UMAlert; e-mail, phone call or text.
  • Note: In the event the siren is inoperative, University Police patrol cars will periodically cruise the campus with sirens on and blue lights off announcing the warning on the vehicle PA system.
No ALL CLEAR siren will be given.

Designated Shelters and Areas of Refuge: The University of Montevallo has 2 designated storm shelters on campus along with several areas designated as “areas of refuge” that can be used during severe weather emergencies. We encourage the use of these areas during a weather emergency if time and safety permits. However, when threatening weather conditions exist or when a tornado warning is given, time and other dangerous contributing factors may not permit safe travel from one building to another. If you are faced with these dangerous contributing factors you should remain where you are and seek shelter in the lowest point of the building in an interior, enclosed space away from any windows. UM shelters open when the University of Montevallo is placed under a Tornado Watch by the National Weather Service. The shelters remain open until the Tornado Watch or Warning is removed. Campus shelters and areas of refuge are provided for the safety of our students, faculty and staff.

The University of Montevallo’s FEMA rated Storm Shelters are located in:

  •  The 3D Art Complex
  •  The Center for the Arts

The basements of the following buildings are considered to be “Areas of Refuge” that can be used if you are unable to reach a storm shelter:

  • Myrick Hall – Academic Building
  • Bloch Hall – Academic Building
  • Napier Hall – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)
  • Davis Hall – Academic Building
  • Ramsay Hall – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)
  • Speech & Hearing Center – Academic Building
  • Hanson Hall – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)

Some academic buildings may not be open outside normal business hours. Residence Halls with basements or designated Areas of Refuge can only be accessed by residents using their student access cards.

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